Work of the Society
Most of the significant work of the NSDAR is done at the grassroots level through individual chapters and members of the Running Creek Chapter, NSDAR, are delighted to join with the other 50 chapters in Colorado, the state DAR, and the National Society in service to our communities. Each chapter has its own programs and initiatives based on the DAR mission and guidance from the state and national leadership. Our committees are the base of our chapter’s involvement in our communities; giving our members opportunities to serve DAR objectives that are most valuable to each person. Some of the committees we are excited to serve include:
American Heritage American History American Indians Americanism Chapter Achievement Awards Children of the American Revolution Committee Chapter Development and Revitalization Commission Commemorative Events Community Classroom Community Service Awards Conservation Constitution Week DAR Genealogy Preservation DAR Good Citizens DAR Magazine DAR Museum Outreach DAR Project Patriot DAR Scholarship |
DAR School DAR Service for Veterans The Flag of the United States of America Genealogical Records Historic Preservation Insignia Junior American Citizens Junior Membership Lineage Research Literacy Promotion Membership National Defense President General’s Project Public Relations & Media Committee Service to America Special Projects Grants Volunteer Information Specialists Volunteer Genealogists Women’s Issues |